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Recently, the phrase “sustainable development” has seemed experimental and innovative. In particular, in the business sector, it was used to emphasize companies’ desire to raise corporate responsibility standards and to work more carefully on the social, environmental and ethical challenges of the times.
However, the events of the last few years have put the whole world before the fact that the principles of sustainable development are a condition for the survival of all states of the planet and humans as a species.
The climate crisis, which has taken its toll for the technological power of our civilization, is already changing the lives of billions of people. The dramatic deterioration of the environment in all regions of the planet – from Ukraine to Australia, from Greenland to Mexico – threatens the loss of the habitual biosphere, at least by the many crisis consequences for the modern society and future generations. The climate, after all, is bound to change the established way of life, rules and values, relationships between people, corporations and countries.

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Therefore, today the laws of sustainable development – Sustainability – are becoming the new Gospel for humanity.
The new decade should end with the implementation of the United Nations strategy to achieve the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. This ambitious document, endorsed by all UN member states, presents important and difficult tasks for humanity: from the complete eradication of poverty and hunger to the achievement of global gender equality, from affordable and renewable energy resources to quality education, from the universal right to decent work to responsible production and consumption.